Greenland fiasco

Greenland golf courseThe photograph shows the famous golf course in Kangerlugssuaq, the northernmost green in the world, pictured in the only goo weather of the trip, shortly before the pilot arrived from Iceland!

Tony’s trip to Greenland this month turned into something of a fiasco.  The pilot was late flying the survey plane to Greenland, delayed by bad weather en route, and when he did come, the weather in their base Kangerlugssuaq was terrible – fogged in or heavy rain.  They did manage five and a half hours flying, but most of that was in rain and poor visibility.  Eventually they ran out of time, since the plane was needed for offshore whale surveys, but there was no respite in the terrible (and highly unusual bad weather), which continued after they left!  It was lovely for him to be back in Greenland of course, but the bad weather gave little incentive to go out for walks!  Christian, his colleague and co-observer, went on a cycle ride to the ice cap, and was 2 hours late coming home in the dark, so Tony and the pilot scrambled the emergency services, travelling his route to the ice cap first with a taxi and then with a police car!  They returned to find Christian in a nearby restaurant, perplexed as to why his late home-coming should have caused any problem and wondering what at all the fuss was about.  He didn’t consider a two hour delay in his arrival in the dark and terrible weather to be a problem!