September 19: A new addition to the family

I’m afraid that there are no photos because Tony has the digital camera with him in Iceland. But there is a video on the newsletter website if that is where you are reading this from.

Last Friday we took delivery of a 12 week old kitten who was re-named Hazel after a he turned out to be a she. The girls had known about this for a week and had carefully planned what we needed. I managed to convince them that a box with a blanket would be OK for her to sleep in but we did invest in a transport cage. The poor thing miowed all the way and is now incarcerated in the hall for a few days until she decides that she shouldn’t run away when she is finally let out in the garden. She is very well behaved and used the ‘toilet’ properly from the word go.

Having the kitten has persuaded Gwen to take the 12.30 bus home to keep her company otherwise we normally don’t get home before 3pm. Normally Gwen is dead set against taking the bus. We still haven’t worked out exactly what will happen when we go to Greece in October though Gwen’s friend, who supplied the kitten, offered to feed her that week. But it’s a long cycle ride.

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