December 01, Networking

While I was away in Germany, the girls watched the Junior Eurovision song contest. I am sure that you did too. And what they saw inspired Mia to think that she could do just as well. She and two of her friends have been huddling together for over a week now composing a song. And it aint easy! What should it be about? Friends, love or holidays. OK let’s go for friends. Their manager, Gwen, has been there in the background, sounding the voice of reason. ‘That’s too boring. You need another line there. Shall we write down the words so that we don’t forget?’ Unfortunately they also needed to write down or record the music and I’m afraid that a couple of cracking melodies have been lost on the drive to horse riding.

Then yesterday, an old lady visited the afterschool club and our intrepid and determined trio quizzed her about her contacts. Didn’t she know anyone who could help them with this song composing business? Well, she did know a singing teacher. ‘Who? who?’ they chorussed and it turned out to be the mother of one of their friends in the year above. So immediately Mia was on the phone organising a meeting and tomorrow they go to Daniella’s house, not to play with Daniella but to get some hot tips from Daniella’s Mum.

Meanwhile Gwen stayed up to watch a programme about champion entrepreneurs. Maybe we don’t have to worry about the pension after all.