May 21, 2006 Enjoying spring

hammockWe did have one very hot week but this wasn’t it. But as soon as one little ray of sunshine showed itself the girls set up the hammock outside. Last week we had a parent’s evening for Mia’s class which included a slide show of approximately 345 photographs taken during the school year. This took about 45 minutes to get through and included shots of them cooking things over an open fire, sculpting wood with knives, chopping wood with axes, trampolining on the Fox trampoline and making fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together as well as making flints (the only picture with safety equipment in evidence).

Now it is cold and wet and Tony is going off on a goose catch which he thinks has little chance of success because the weather is bad and it is too late in the season.

PS. Always take what Tony says with a pinch of salt and leaven it up on the optimistic side. They caught the most birds ever.