September 12, 2006: Gwen's birthday

buried treasureOn Saturday we went to the animal shelter to see how you go about getting a cat. They charge about £75 for which you not only get the cat but also one with all its vaccinations and sterilised. Remembering the vets bills from Hazel, that is a very good deal. But we couldn’t take a cat just then because we knew we were going to Legoland the next day and that we will all be away from the house on Thursday and Friday. They seemed a bit annoyed that we wouldn’t take our preferred cat that very instant so we have one reserved but if someone else wants him before we can go and collect him next Saturday then we’ll just have to choose another.

Then we went to Aarhus for the festival. We saw many strange sights including pink bras strung up like bunting in one street. Another strange thing was the marketing ploy by Pilgrim to get us to buy their jewellery. They had samples of their jewellery encased in about six blocks of ice. The picture shows Mia trying to use her finger to melt the ice. Some people seemed to be getting close.

The weather for Legoland was fantastic considering the date. So glad we didn’t go in early August as we had originally planned and when it didn’t stop raining. Gwen was allowed to have her best friend with her as a birthday treat and so Therese came with us.

Mia is now a Brownie and this week is bob a job week so I’m hoping she’ll pick the fruit which is in abundance at the moment. Unfortunately that doesn’t include our hazelnuts of which there don’t seem to be any at all this year.

There are mosquitoes by the thousand though. It’s a very bad year for them and Brownies is always outdoors so Mia got bitten quite a bit tonight after going to Brownies.