September 28, 2006 Every schoolchild's dream!

mobile phonePicture: Mia eats her mobile phone in an effort to keep the bills down.

Yesterday we were rung up by the deputy head of the girls’ school who said that the staff were going to have a meeting so the girls couldn’t come to school in the morning.

‘So’, enquired Tony, ‘at what time should they come?’

‘You don’t understand, the meeting will last all day.’ replied the deputy head.

”All day?’ repeated a puzzled Tony.

‘We’re on strike! All of us, including the after school club so keep your children at home.’

‘Aaah.’ The penny finally drops.

You can imagine the girls’ reaction. So I stayed home to look after them and we conquered long division into the bargain – something which has been bugging Gwen for years. 

Oh yes, the reason? The council is trying to enact financial savings which will result in every tenth teacher being sacked.