And so children, this is why you should always tidy up…

Tony lost half his workday today because of a bomb scare. No, it’s not what you’re thinking. The story is that they were storing a dangerous liquid at Kalø and after 20-30 years it had begun to dry out. Apparantly this liquid becomes even more dangerous and liable to blow up the drier it gets. (Don’t forget that they have explosives and so on for the canon nets they use to catch birds). Anyway one of the technicians found this bottle of dangerous goo today while looking for explosives for their next bird catching expedition and realised what it was and how dangerous it could be and so the police were called, the bomb squad were called, the ambulances were on standby and Tony and his mates had to stand outside all afternoon watching the remote controlled robot going in to remove this stuff. And just as Tony was unlocking the car to go home there was an almighty explosion as the experts had taken this stuff to a field below and blown it up in a controlled explosion.

So Tony will have to go to work tomorrow anyway to finish what he could not get done this afternoon and this is why it pays to tidy up and not forget about potential bombmaking equipment for 30 years!