September 25, 2007: Lithuania

Vilnius hoardingThe picture is of a creative billboard to advertise chewing gum in Vilnius. It was a lightening trip to Lithuania when I wasn’t sure that I would even get there because SAS planes have been falling to pieces and they have been cancelling many flights. But I did get there and we had our final meeting for the VOCA2 project including a conference in Kaunas where I gave a short talk.

We had a trip to Vilnius which included lunch in the revolving TV tower, scene of bloody fighting when Soviet tanks moved in and killed 14 people 16 years ago. We could even see the attack plan in the little museum on the ground floor. It turned out that our tour guide had been part of the Singing Revolution afterwards. The weather was fine and dry, the food good and the hotel more than comfortable. Everyone seemed to be getting married and there were TVs everywhere which I found distracting.