March 21, 2008: A Special Scout Camp

Mia’s report from a Harry Potter scout camp she and Gwen went to at the beginning of March

Gwen and I went on a scout camp with a difference, it was about Harry Potter. We were separated into Slytherin, Huffelpuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffendor by the sorting hat. I was put into Slytherin with my best friend (after Gwen), while Gwen went into Huffelpuff. When everybody was separated into houses, we went outside to play. We had a mini-brush and a ball and you had to brush the ball across the ground, the first house to finish was the winner, and Slytherin won – yippee! After that we went inside some watched films and others were allowed to other things before we went to bed.

Next day we woke up and we only had about 10 minutes to get up and dressed and go out to the flagpole. Then, when the flag was raised we had to go for a run. But the run was only about 100-150 m. Then we went inside to have breakfast. I had oat flakes and Gwen had cornflakes. There were different places that we went around and did different things, for instance made wine gums or made your own magic wand. Well, in the end we went around doing different things the whole day. In afternoon we played Quiddich and Huffelpuff won but Slytherin was second in the final. Then we had our dinner and it was nice. We had meatballs and potatoes and some sort of sauce, an avocado dip and last you could also have a pea dip. Then we went to see a Harry Potter film (the first one). After that we went on a trail in the dark, where we had to do different tasks. The first one was where there were lots of strings tied between trees and we had to go through the strings without touching them. The next task was to throw flaming balls at spiders and when you had killed the spiders you were led into the forest where a horrible troll attacked us. While Katja was distracting the troll’s attention, the rest of our house could sneak past. For the next task we had to eat blue beans and multi-coloured cake cream, taking some beans with us. Then we met Sirius Black who we had to help out of forest, but then the dementors came (that was scary!). We had to do expecto-patronum to get rid of the dementors, but the first many times it did not work! At last we got away without them touching us (if they touch you, you were not allowed to move for 30 seconds). We had to light a fire in the middle of a forbidden zone. We couldn’t come nearer than 1.5 m on all sides, and all we had was aluminium foil, household spirit, cotton wool, a cigarette lighter and a piece of rope. Would would you have done? The final task took place in a circle of fire, where you had to persuade Lucius Malfoy to eat the blue beans you had brought. The beans were supposed to make good people stronger and bad people weaker, so of course Malfoy got weaker. As he got weaker, we could steal the medal, but Malfoy grabbed me hard and I couldn’t get free. Eventually I pulled hard and got free and ran as fast as I could. Then we went to bed.

Next day we woke up, and had 10 minutes to get to the flag pole. During breakfast we had points and got points taken away from the houses, and finally the winning house was announced. We all got prizes, three big chocolate bars for the winning house, Slytherin. Hoorah!