July 31, 2008: Legoland

3D specs at LegolandThe picture is a variation on old theme and shows Tony and the girls waiting to go and see one of the 4D movies at Legoland at which we were sprayed with dragon snot amongst other things. What was different about Legoland this year (apart from the re-designed 3D glasses) was that we went for two days and stayed at the hotel, a long time wish of Mia’s. The idea had originally been to do this with our Chinese guest but as she never came we did it alone. The weather was very hot and the queues very long but as hotel residents we were allowed early into the park the next morning and were able to enjoy a brief half hour of short queues before the rest of the public had made it to the back of the park where the best rides are.

The girls had a room overlooking the park and particularly appreciated the second flat screen TV positioned conveniently in the toilet.

The large adventure playground in which Adam used to get lost has disappeared to make way for a splash everybody in sight attraction.

The video below shows Gwen and Mia on one of their favorite rides.