Welcome back to the read-write web!

A great deal has happened while we were ‘away’. In fact that’s why we were ‘away’ because we had no time to add to this. Added to which there were rumours that the Yahoo blog was going to be shut down and you can’t have failed to notice that in the end the Yahoo blog was more hole than blog as they gradually stopped supporting videos and pictures from outside.

So now it’s crunch time as Yahoo have said they are shutting everything on July 13th so I have been forced to transfer as much as I can before it all disappears. The slide show above (don’t forget to have your sound on as well)  is just a little summary of some of the things that have have happened recently including the deer and the fox who visit our garden, Gwen who went on work experience to dissect a huge number of small mammals and to show that the house just got painted, at last and finally! By the way Mia is not picking up wayside litter but is in fact processing a highly secret cache.

The nature photos are by Gwen who is becoming very interested in taking good photos and is fast filling up our new computer with hundreds of 4Mb pictures. Don’t forget that you can click on the icon at the bottom right hand of the slideshow to see the pictures full screen though they are compressed so don’t blow up well. But the originals are fantastic!

There are alll sorts of bits and bobs on this new blog so just click around. I am also going to rescue the old stuff from the very first web site which featured our news and glue it on here somehow.

So watch this space! … and feel free to add your comments. We may be forced to add a password but we’ll see how things go before going down that route.